Accidents are inevitable with electronic devices, and we all have had the experience of dropping our phone and damaging it. That’s why most smartphone owners buy phone cases and screen protectors to guard their devices. Secure Data Recovery has now researched how Americans treat their phones. This research was done from August 31 to September 9, 2022, and 2,213 Americans were surveyed on their experiences breaking devices. Additionally, 44% of respondents were men, 53% were women, and 3% were nonbinary. As per the Secure Data Recovery findings, Texas (95%), Missouri (88%), and Oklahoma (88%) citizens are more likely to break, crack, and drop their phones. Also, 76% of Americans had to replace their phone because of dropping it, and 31% lost all data contained in the phone.

Generation Z are more likely to drop and damage their phone

Cracking the screen is one of the most common accidents that can happen to an American phone owner, and 18% of respondents have cracks on their screens. Meanwhile, Generation Z is at the top of the list with 24%. Additionally, 75% of respondents have cracked a phone screen. Throwing the phone by accident and spilling a drink on it are other common phone mishaps. Also, 44% of respondents said they drop their phones at least once per week. Women (53%) are more reckless than men (32%), and Gen Z again sits at the top with 59%. Dropping the phone in the toilet also happens to 23% of Americans. Many respondents also reported water damage, and 44% put their phones in the rice after the incident. However, this method works only 60% of the time. As per the findings, Americans have spent an average of $617 on phone repairs in their lifetime, and 59% had to pay for the repair because of not having a warranty. But Americans also reported the funny ways their phone was damaged, including a moose hitting me while bicycling in Alaska, accidentally dipping it in stew while cooking, and the child decided that my phone was thirsty.