Twitter didn’t share details about the extent of improvements users will see following the latest updates. The announcement, made over the weekend, only said it has applied the changes to improve the video quality on the platform. The company separately confirmed to The Verge that it has removed a pre-processing step that videos go through when you upload. This additional step apparently “split videos into smaller chunks for ingestion,” effectively reducing the quality. Removing this step should result in lesser quality degradation when you upload videos to Twitter. However, as of this writing, these improvements aren’t supported in Twitter Media Studio. So if you’re using this tool to upload videos on Twitter, your video will continue to appear pixelated as before. For the time being, you might want to use the main app for video uploads until the company applies the changes to Twitter Media Studio. Hopefully, that won’t take long. Several users have confirmed that Twitter videos now appear clearer than before. We could also notice the improvements on new videos that users have uploaded to test the supposed changes. But there’s still a lot of room for improvement.

Twitter is long due to improving the video experience on the platform. Quality improvement was the need of the hour and the company has responded. Going forward, we might see the social network add more video-related features. App researcher Jane Manchun Wong last week discovered that Twitter is working on adding multiple new video playback speed options. Along with the normal playback speed, the company will also offer 0.5x, 1x, and 2x speed options. It’s unclear if and when this feature could go official. We will make sure to keep you updated with all the information around this development. Twitter also has several other features in the pipeline, mostly focusing on the privacy and security of users. These features started rolling out to users earlier this month and continue through over the next few months.